Last Updated November 25, 2020
Use this resource guide to navigate the COVID-19 crisis and the changes it is causing in our local food system. Support local farmers, small businesses and find new local food sources to keep our local food system in tact.
Find a farm that sells direct. Some even deliver or offer curbside pick-up! Or, order a weekly supply of veggies thru a CSA subscription. You might even try your hand at growing your own garden. Winter Farmers Markets are now open in Missoula, Bozeman and Hamiltion.
Missoula Valley Winter Farmers Market
O’Hara Commons Winter Farmers Market (Hamilton) – also featuring an On-Line Local Foods Market!
Check out the 2021 Local Food and Farm Passport, offering a year-long adventure guide to local food sources across Missoula, Lake and Ravalli Counties. It includes Covid-safe ordering options at farms, farm stands, farmers markets, local food restaurants and more! Collect stamps, win prizes and support your local farmers!
Abundant Montana
AERO MT has a statewide Abundant Montana Map with farms, as well as farmers markets, restaurants and grocery markets offering local food in Montana communities.
Missoula County Weed District
Missoula County Weed District has developed an interactive google map, as well as a colorful, downloadable map showcasing many local farms with direct purchasing available, either at their on-site Farm Stands, or by purchasing a weekly share of produce thru a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).
Want to grow your own?
The Victory Garden movement is growing strong. Check out resources from these websites:
MSU-Extension in Ravalli County is creating a new series to support new gardeners. The Start Your Victory Garden Guide is available at these links:
Section 1: Start Your Victory Garden introduction
Section 2: Garden Soils and Soils Testing
Section3: Garden Beds, Raised Beds, Container Gardens
Section 4: Soil Tests and Soil Amendments
Section 5: What to Plant, Seeds and Transplants and When has an ongoing series, Victory Gardens, with videos, recipes, garden tips, and links to many resources to get you started.