Leap Year happens once every four years which means that you have a rare opportunity to become one of a select group of highly intelligent, caring, beautiful localvores who join or renew your CFAC Membership during 29 days in February. But wait! That’s not all. During February, we also want to give back while sharing some activities to inspire you and have fun as we meander through this short, but obviously, very busy and unique month.
Every day, you’ll want to check our Facebook page, to see what we’re celebrating. Just by Liking and Commenting, you could receive something to help enjoy or celebrate that day like a gift certificate, a food item, a Prius (just kidding!) And for everyone who joins CFAC as a LEAP MONTH Member, you are automatically enrolled in a random drawing for a very special thank-you prize provided by some of our divine and amazing board members. What is that? Oh, not so fast. We have to keep a few surprises up our sleeve but just stay tuned. If you’ve been thinking of becoming a member or forgot to renew last year, THIS is going to be the month you want to do that.
Thanks for your continued support in so many ways. CFAC is growing and evolving, but we can’t do this without you! PS: Spread the word to friends and family to check out our Facebook page and join the fun!
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