The purpose of Field Tested Mini-grants is to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in Montana, such as fruits, vegetables, peas and lentils, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). This project is funded in part by the Montana Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. CFAC provides the on-site support for applicants during the development of their Field Tested reports, a short publication to share the impact and lessons learned.
Mary Bricker, previous Mini-grant recipient of SweetRoot Farm, demonstrating how an undercutter works for root crop harvesting.
Leslie Kline of Triple Divide Seeds, another former recipient, used materials she was able to purchase through the mini-grant to create seed cleaning screens for her operation.
And now: congratulations to this year’s Field Tested Mini-grant recipients:
Villicus Farm, Havre
Farm Bloom (Collaboration between Foolish Blooms & Purple Frog Gardens), Whitefish
Sunshine Garden, Trego
Blue Coyote Farm, Missoula
Amaltheia Organic Dairy and Veg, Belgrade
Shady Maple Farm, St. Ignatius
Aspen Grove Farm, Pinesdale and
Black Bear Soups, Missoula valley
Award amounts ranged from $1700 to $5,000. You can check out more previous Mini-grant winners here.
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